Acknowledge Alliance promotes lifelong resilience in children and youth, and strengthens the caring capacity of the adults who influence their lives.

Acknowledge Alliance envisions a world where youth feel more competent and cared about in schools and in their lives; educators feel more supported and enriched in their work with students and colleagues; and education settings create safe, compassionate and nurturing environments where everyone there feels cared for, competent and resilient.

Since 1994, Acknowledge Alliance (formerly the Cleo Eulau Center) has been building thriving school communities where students are equipped with lifelong resilience and teachers are empowered to be their best selves. Acknowledge Alliance was founded on the belief that when a child has a caring adult in their life who believes in them and their abilities, they can succeed despite adversities. By serving K-12 schools in the San Francisco Bay Area, we cultivate these transformative relationships at all levels of learning through our Collaborative Counseling and Resilience Consultation Programs.

Our Collaborative Counseling Program psychotherapists build long-term therapeutic relationships with at-risk youth, providing individualized treatment focused on healing underlying trauma and issues. Collaborative Counseling Program clients, many of whom are from socioeconomically high-need families, are receiving high quality care that could otherwise only be accessed through private practice clinics. Rather than being limited by treatment timelines or overly restrictive insurance criteria, our therapists are focused on what is truly best for their patients. 

Our Resilience Consultation Program counselors and consultants support the social emotional wellbeing of entire school ecosystems - from teachers to students, principals, administrators, and family members. They strengthen school communities by facilitating social-emotional learning lessons that focus on building student and classroom resilience skills, and by being an encouraging on-campus presence for educators, guiding them as they navigate challenges in the classroom and beyond.