Special Thank You to the Morgan Family Foundation

Since 2008, the Morgan Family Foundation has supported Acknowledge Alliance as an outstanding anchor funder and partner in their efforts to change lives and transform communities. Although the Morgan Family Foundation will be winding down, closing the foundation operations as of December 31, 2021, their impact will continue to grow and they will be deep-rooted in our work for many generations to come.

Over these last 13 years, they have made it possible for our Resilience Consultation Program to expand our reach from 6 schools and 75 students to 19 schools and district offices, reaching as many as 3,000 students. With the Foundation’s support, we were able to pilot the first Resilience Group for educators in Sunnyvale in 2011. Today, we reach approximately 500 educators each year, and over 80 teachers and principals participate in Resilience Groups, which many view as “essential.” These examples are a glimpse of the tremendous ways they have partnered with our organization. We are forever grateful for the Foundation’s strategic vision, and for seeding our emerging idea to support entire school communities and create classrooms where teachers want to teach and students want to learn. Thank you.

As the Morgan Family Foundation passes the torch to the next generation of philanthropists, they hope to inspire others to give generously of their time, talent, and treasure for the benefit of others.