Making an Impact

             September 29, 2016


2015-2016 Evaluation Highlights

Resilience Consultation Program

• 100% of school staff reported an increased awareness of student social and emotional issues.

• 96-100% of school staff reported using strength-based strategies to engage and reach their students.

• 93% of school staff reported increased empathy and understanding in the lives of their students outside of school.

• 88% of school staff reported an increase in positive educator/student relationships

"It is easy to overlook some of our own strengths and focus on things we are not doing well. Our Resilience Consultant reminds us about some of those things that we do well and have become immune to seeing. With just a few words, she can change our mindset and confidence level to give us the motivation to keep going!" — Teacher

Collaborative Counseling Program

• 88% of Court and Community School students reported that their counselor listens to them without judgment.

• 96% of Transition students reported feeling connected to at least one adult at their school.

• 93% of Transition students reported that counseling helped them to express their emotions constructively.

• 100% of therapist interns we trained reported an increased understanding of the high-risk, multi-cultural adolescent population they worked with.

“Counseling has helped me figure myself out and has helped me realize I’ve made mistakes and also has helped me be more mature and own up to my mistakes.” — 14-year-old student

Learn more about our services here.


Acknowledge Alliance is saddened by the sudden loss of Bob Beyer. Bob served as our Board President and was deeply involved in our agency for the past three years. He lived the quote: "The world is changed by your example, not your opinion." He has truly touched the lives of many with his kindness and wisdom.

During this transition, Brooke Kernick will serve as our Board Chair.

I Wish My Teacher Knew

Ms. Schwartz started "I wish my teacher knew" as a way to get to know her students better. The responses were eye-opening and inspired many teachers across the nation to try this exercise.

"I wish my teacher knew that my family and I live in a shelter."
Read more

2016 Annual Fund

Acknowledge is gearing up for our annual campaign. Our goal is to raise $40,000 this year! In the following months, we will be showing you the top ways Acknowledge makes a difference in our community.


2483 Old Middlefield Way, Ste 208
Mountain View, CA 94043